Why Hearing Aid Cost Is A Bad Excuse To Avoid Hearing Treatment

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Only 33% of Americans treat their hearing loss, but is cost really the reason why people don't pursue hearing aids?

There are countries who give FREE hearing aids to their citizens:

Norway - Only 42.5% have hearing aids

UK - Only 41.1% have hearing aids

Switzerland - Only 38.8% have hearing aids

Even though these hearing aids are heavily subsidized by their government, they only have hearing aid adoption rates 10% higher than the United States.

In a recent study of 651 veterans with hearing loss, only 28% complied with the recommendation to seek hearing aids.  Of that 28%, ,only 42% actually adopted FREE hearing aids.

If price was the main reason people don't get hearing aids, these adoption rates for the Veterans Association and these hearing aid subsidized countries would be significantly higher.  Still avoiding hearing aids due to cost?  Well, if you are still employed, you may want to reconsider.  In a 2007 study, it was discovered that individuals with untreated hearing loss earn up to $12,000 less on average than individuals without hearing loss.  

The good news is, treating the hearing loss cuts this loss in half.  So basically, it's too expensive NOT to treat your hearing loss.

If hearing aid cost is still your excuse, consider this:

1. Medicaid - Some states will provide hearing aids if you are below a certain income level.

2. Local Vocational Rehabilitation Center - These facilities are designed to get you in the workforce, or keep you in the workforce.   For working individuals with hearing loss, they are a perfect way to get hearing aids for little to no cost.

3. Starkey HearNow - This program is designed to get low-income individuals basic level  hearing aids and treatment.  The only cost is an application fee of $125 for one hearing aid and $250 for 2 hearing aids.

4. Lions Club - The Lions Club collects donated hearing aids and distributes them to those in need.  They also help cover professional fitting costs of these hearing aids.  They require an application as well.

5. Your Local Hearing Aid Clinic - Most hearing aid clinics get a bad rap for having expensive hearing aids.  However, most clinics have affordable value based hearing aid options for lower income individuals.  All you have to do is ask.  Tell them your budget, and they will find an option that works for you, inside of your budget.

The term "expensive" is relative.  However, there are people who don't WANT to afford hearing aids, and there are people who CAN'T afford hearing aids.  Either way, neither is a good excuse if you can get hearing aids for close to nothing.

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